Sliding Scale Fee and Dāna Approach to Giving

Dāna is the Buddhist practice of generosity, more generally, the inclination to give, without expecting any form of repayment from the recipient. Dāna is the first theme in the Buddha's system of gradual training. The practice of generosity is the essence of the path to freedom. Generosity is non-attachment. BODY MATTER practices Dāna in the form of a sliding scale fee model. If you are not able to pay the suggested rates, Sarah offers another approach. She would like to make these teachings accessible to everyone. Give what you can, give what feels good. If it’s too little, it won’t feel good. If it’s too much it won’t feel good.

Generosity opens up space in our hearts, while moments of giving alleviates fear that we don’t have enough, and allows us to relax our clinging. Generosity allows us to experience one another more fully, opening up a space for receiving and learning.

Please, if you want to join a class, but are unable to do due so because of limited funds, reach out to me via email at

I’ve had to give up many self care routines due to negative cash flow, and on top of that, I lost my therapist because she is no longer accepting Medicaid. Your class will give me the feeling of being supported in both body and mind, and I’m really appreciating the opportunity.