
study tips for taking Zoom class from Home

Taking class with Zoom can be very easy!

All of my classes are hosted through ZOOM. It is an easy and free service. You may have read that you need to purchase a professional account for calls longer than 40 minutes, but this is just for the host (me). It will be entirely free for you to use. All you will need to do is download Zoom. If you don’t have the Zoom software downloaded on your device, once you register for class, it will ask you to download the software. It will deliver my video and audio to you if you choose to download their free app. You don't need to share any of your own audio or video, unless you want to. The reason you would share your video is for me to be able to see you in your room and be able to give teaching suggestions.

Here is a short tutorial to download Zoom on different browsers. 

Here is a short tutorial on joining a meeting. 

Questions about Zoom video conferencing?

Zoom is the internet’s leading live video conferencing technology. It works very well on almost all computers, tablets, and phones. It’s easy to learn and gives you a lot of control over your experience.

  • Attendees can see and hear me without sharing video or audio of themselves with anyone.

  • If you wish to participate in discussion and have the equipment, you’ll have the option to enable your microphone (and video if you wish), or simply type into a text chat box.

  • To attend a live class, please follow links from the calendar or the classes page. You will need to set up an account on the studio site. Most classes can be accessed with a single drop in class, or a class card.

Zoom will invite you to download their software to your device or computer if you do not have it already. The Zoom app allows you to watch live video of Sarah and, if you wish, to participate by text chat, voice, and even video sharing.

Practical Home Study Tips for Feldenkrais:

  • You’ll need to be able to lie down on a carpeted floor, or smooth blanket or mat. Yoga mats generally create too much friction, though a blanket on top of a yoga mat can work.

  • It’s really easy to listen to our Zoom call through your phone, smartphone, tablet, or laptop – put it next to you on the floor! 

  • Dress in layers or be sure the room is warm enough. This is not aerobic or strength-based exercise; these lessons are a challenge to your awareness, coordination, and self-use, and we learn and improve in those spheres most efficiently using slow and often small movements.

  • Have a bath towel or two nearby to fold to different heights for head support as needed, depending on the positions (lying on your back, side, or front). It’s assumed that you’ll take the time to place whatever support you need under your head at the beginning of the lesson, and with every change of position. Unless required for your comfort, using a regular pillow or a cervical roll for your neck is not recommended because it dampens the free movement of the head.

  • Tell others in your home (including your pets) that you are practicing Feldenkrais and you need some undisturbed time.

Practical Home Study Tips for Yoga:

  • You’ll need to have a quiet place for your yoga mat with ceilings high enough that your hands don’t touch.

  • Gather your yoga blanket, or towels, blocks and strap if you have them.

  • It’s really easy to listen to our Zoom call through your phone, smartphone, tablet, or laptop – put it next to you on the floor! 

  • Dress in layers or be sure the room is warm enough. Some classes are more gentle and restorative, and you want to be sure your space is comfortable.

  • Tell others in your home (including your pets) that you are practicing yoga and you need some undisturbed time.